Principal's Message
Welcome Jonesboro-Hodge Elementary School Families,
It is great with pride I serve another year as Principal of THE Jonesboro-Hodge Elementary School. Now...let’s READY, SET, GROW! Our data is trending in the right direction as evidenced by increasing indices on state assessments in all content areas!!! First, congratulations! None of this would have been possible without the hard work of our students, teachers, and parents/community.
However, parents, teachers, students, and the community, it is time we GROW even more! The 23-24 daily schedule reflects uninterrupted instructional time and interventions while still allowing interests and opportunities for all students. All signs point to another incredible and productive school year.
Your partnership will ensure your student’s academic and social-emotional success at Jonesboro-Hodge Elementary School. We value the communication connection between home and school and encourage you to contact us when the need arises and to stay in the know about your child's studies, attendance, and school activities. Stay in the know through office phone, email, J-HES Website and Facebook Page, and our school/family communications apps. Together, I know we will make this school year another one of growth and achievement for all students.
On behalf of myself and our wonderful staff, we look forward to serving the Jonesboro-Hodge community!
Warm Regards,
Danielle Copeland, Jonesboro-Hodge Elementary School Principal